Since a layoff in March 2011 from my job of 8+ years as a transportation professional, I have consistently been applying for positions in the Seattle area (WA State, west coast of USA). I netted two limited-term positions to keep me working most of that time subsequently, with only a bit of a lapse. I was generally able to keep working FT and have health benefits for most of that time while I waited to be recalled to my job or find another permanent role elsewhere.
Although one job this past year had me working less than 8 or 9 miles away from home with a straight shot (along a trail/bike path!) I didn't bike commute as much as I would have liked to, and the other job (about 9 months) at University of Washington Seattle was over 20 miles one-way PLUS the university's transportation program had an extremely convenient and affordable bus pass, which meant most days I bused to campus. I did bike it a few times but not too often, given distance (better part of two hours biking - EACH WAY!)
I am happy I have been hired by a large international employer for a full-time, permanent position. My new job is 8-9 miles away, flat, and I can travel all but a mile or so on a separated trail/bike path! I start this week and hope I can squeeze in a bike commute or two while we're still in May, Bike to Work month!
I am happy I can now give up the (seemingly) endless process of job applications and interviews. I easily applied for 15-20 jobs a month for over a year. I believe I had roughly two dozen interviews.
Very happy to start working soon... and hope to be biking more too!
Velocio Spring Apparel This Winter
Velocio Spring apparel is in rotation with their winter gear as cool
temperatures and early snow arrive in the Methow Valley. Despite the chill,
2 weeks ago