Wednesday, May 16, 2007

today's brown bag

I rode my bike to work today and participated with three others in our first ever bicycling brown bag lunch (which included a mini tech session and ride). Despite a small turn out (only 4 of us) I think we all had fun. The weather was overcast, but not too warm or cold and it didn't rain!

Our group included the leader, Mike, an experienced bike mechanic and bicycle commuter (he rides 42 miles one-way!) Fred is just getting back onto a bike since he was a teenager (he's in his 50s now.) Fred already routinely logs in 20+ miles a day and he only got back into riding within the last month. James brought his "hybrid" pedal + electric assist bicycle. I rode my bike and it was the first long period of riding I've done with the smoother street type tires.

Advice I/we learned was about lane positioning, hand signals, and basic tool kit suggestions. I learned one of my shifters is a bit out of whack and my seat should be moved a bit forward and needs to be adjusted flatter... it currently tilts downward a bit.

As far as our teams go (sorry if I am being a bit repetitive) after the first two weeks of this month's contest, we collectively (15 riders) racked up over 546 miles of bicycle commutes. Using the AAA's 56 cents a mile operating expense estimate for automobile ownership, we've collectively saved $300 in commuting expenditures. As a bonus, we burnt over 18,000 calories!

Reminder: Bike to Work Day is Friday, May 18th!

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