Monday, May 7, 2007

week of May 7th

I'm eager to ride this week. I have two days I believe it would be feasible (weather permitting) to ride this week: Tuesday and Friday.

I am trying to get our team (we now have 10 team members!) registered ASAP. The difficulty has been myself and a few others signed up as individuals and I guess we need to have those cancelled before I can otherwise process our team registration. Hopefully this gets cleared up soon.

Over the weekend, I visited Bike Works in Columbia City. Bike Works is a non-profit bike shop in Seattle that does a variety of pro-bicycle charity programs, including teaching kids bike repair (kids can earn a bike this way) and also they send bikes to Africa. I bought a used wheel and new tire for my daughter Rachel's "recycled" 12-inch bike I built from donor bikes. If you need parts or supplies for BTW month, check out Bike Works. Their hours are generally 12-6 most days except Monday and Sunday is 12-4, so call ahead to make sure they're open 206-725-9408.

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