Sunday, April 18, 2010

REI dividend time!

Retail therapy. Gotta love it. Even for bike stuff... or maybe especially for bike stuff.

I needed some more polypro socks and another under helmet cap - well, "need" might be a strong word, but of the things I lacked, quick-drying, snug socks were one and extra under helmet caps was another. Everything else I generally have lots of.

Here's what I got today...

Several pairs of socks which included the P-40 Warhawk design, the Jolly Roger, and the chain designs.

A Session (Full Sail brewing's Red Stripe-emulating stubby bottle offshoot) Lager cap.

Oh, yeah. Best part: I used my REI dividend and the 20% discount coupon to save some coin. I think I paid $5 out of pocket.

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